I have had a lot of first days of class in my lifetime, and a lot of really symbolic ones at that: first day of elementary school, first day of middle school, first day of high school, first day of college, but this past Thursday I had my first day of graduate school. Class was structured differently than I was used to, primarily because I had the same course and professor from 9-5; however, I liked the format of the class because of how interactive it was. We quickly moved past the theoretical content and delved into how business management is applied in the workplace. We were constantly working in groups and actually applying what we learned, rather than just discussing the significance. I am very excited to pursue a masters degree in Business Management while simultaneously taking classes in International Peace Building, Security, and Development Practice and working closely with the Kennedy Institute at Maynooth University. At Maynooth, I will be able to use what I learn in my Business Management program and apply it to how different NGO’s and nonprofits operate.
For my first assignment I will specifically look at the nonprofit law office I worked at last summer and analyze where it succeeds and where it needs improvement at a managerial level. This course offers me a unique opportunity to take courses that are unfamiliar to me, such as international business and innovation and applied economics, and relate it to my undergraduate degree, which was Political Science. Although I will be primarily focusing on business this year, I hope that I will still be able to take a course on conflict analysis and do a peacebuidling role playing course in May. Both masters programs offer great internship programs that I hope to take advantage of later on in the year. I have a unique educational opportunity at Maynooth this year and I hope that my 19th year of school is my best one yet!