So this past Friday, I along with my two ulster university roommates representing for the ladies, Natalya and Kristen, had the pleasure of attending Belfast Model School for girls for our Honor Roll program we are also doing with Stephen every week. We had the chance to connect and be active with a small group of girls and replace the physical education time. We played a couple of active games as well as some that just got them laughing and interacting and some involving each body to participate like comin up with a group handshake and name. We also split up into small groups to settle down and one on one conversation with the girls. I in my opinion, had the energetic girls, they were very eager to ask me question about America, apparently they were big fans of the High school movie series and wanted to know whether or not the schools were like that in real life lol. They also wanted to know if I knew any famous people of course that they have only seen on television. We ended the session with making some rules we all would follow for our group contract just so that everyone would enjoy and get the best out of the time we had with the ladies. Overall I think we had a good time and the ladies enjoyed there selves. The school was beautiful and big, and their sports facilities were very nice. I look forward to seeing the girls next week and encouraged them to come back so we could see their lovely faces again.