I couldn’t have asked for a better gift than to be able to go home for the holidays. It was a great balance for me to see Europe and then fly home for the happiest part of the year, Christmas. My journey home wasn’t too sweet, it was three planes in three days that I had to take to get back to America, which is why my travels weren’t sweet. However, that bitterness quickly passed once I saw my mom who picked me up from the airport and then walked through the door of my house and it was Home Sweet Home. I was greeted by my Unnah Darling(my dog) which made my long journey even more worth it because I had been dying to see her, I missed her so much. I was then able to see the rest of my family which just brought so much joy to my heart after the warm greetings it was straight to work however. My family would be hosting our Christmas Eve Party so I had some cleaning and errands to do for my parents which usually bothers me but I was so content with everything because I was just happy to be home. During our Christmas party I was able to see even more of my family that I hadn’t seen in awhile which made being home feel even better. It was perfect how everything worked out for me to see a majority of my family and catch up. The rest of the days I just enjoyed my time with some close friends, hanging out and also catching up on life.
I couldn’t imagine myself not being able to go home for Christmas or not be able to be around family for Christmas because as I grow up I really see the significant of family. I believe as older teenagers or young adults we sometimes take our families for granted because we might still be living at home and we’re frustrated. But this journey has taught me more on the importance of my home/family. It’ll always will be your constant and will always be there for you and I truly was missing it more than what I thought I was. This journey has taught me more lessons than none and I can’t wait for these next 5months to grow even more and learn even more.