Best friends

Posted By: TiffanyCorselli
Posted On: February 20th, 2018
Attending: DCU

I decided to write this next blog about my best friends. I just wanted to thank them for all the support they have given me. I think everyone needs a friend they could call on , no matter what it is…

To Nicole ,

I look forward to your FaceTime call every morning at 11 am 😩 No matter how my morning started I always receive that phone call that changes my mood for the day. That is always followed by a call at 10p.m. I’m usually just getting out of practice and she’s just getting off of work.. Even though majority of our phone calls is me listening to her , it’s something I look forward to each day 😂😂😂

To Tor ,

Our conversations start each day through our Snapchat streak. We always have some type of news to share with each other.. With us both having school and basketball we still make it work..

Lord knows I miss the heck out of both of you. You are my voice of reason. When I feel like I can’t keep going I’ll call one of you guys and you make what I feel is the impossible seem possible. I truly thank you guys for all the support you have given me not only since my time here in Ireland but throughout our entire friendship. I couldn’t picture my life without you guys.. You are my biggest supporters but you also tell me when I am wrong. 3 more months until we are reunited.. I figured since today is Valentines Day and you guys are single I’d dedicate my blog to you 😂😂😂😂

Happy Valentines Day Best friends,

I love y’all 💕❤️❤️❤️

Bless up


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