I know the title is very cliche but it’s the truth, you never know whose watching…
This past Tuesday after my practice with my 16 and under team finished one of my players said to me, “Do you know Victoria?” Immediately I replied “no” because I just knew there was no way she was talking about my best friend. She then said, “you posted her on your Instagram the other day about her becoming the all-time leading scorer for Niagara!” I said “oh yeah that’s my best friend lol . No one could have prepared me for the reaction that followed. My player then responded “OMG SHE’S your best friend, she is my idol , I look up to her” I chuckled because I was baffled, I mean it was Victoria we were talking about! 😂
Not because she looked up to her but because how did she even know she existed in the world. Niagara is a small division 1 school. We get no media coverage unless ESPN3 covers the game but that’s rare and oh yeah Victoria is from Canada. She said she saw highlight clips Niagara had posted from one of the games on YouTube and that’s when she began to follow her. I asked her did she want me to FaceTime her so she could speak to her. She said, “OMG please”, “could you”. She and another one of my players spoke to Victoria for about 15 minutes. They were in complete shock , shaking because they were so excited. They were speaking to their idol… They said Tiffany I feel like I’m talking to Kobe Bryant that’s how much I look up to her.. Crazy right ?
how would have thought that girls from Ireland would be following a girl from a small division 1 school. As athletes it is our duty to inspire the upcoming youth. Even when you think no one is watching they are. A simple hug , one on one game, or in this case FaceTime call can change their lives. So just because you may not go to UConn , or Duke just know there’s a little girl or boy out there inspiring to be the next you !
Bless up