The Burren River

Posted By: JamesGordon
Posted On: March 5th, 2018
Attending: Institute of Technology Carlow

There is a little river that runs right under my cozy apartment here in Carlow, Ireland. From my bedroom, I can look out of my window and glance down upon this stream as it rushes through the quiet town of Carlow. It is very therapeutic at times. Especially the times where I sit upon my desk and stare blankly at my computer screen, textbook, or guitar. In the span of a few dozen yards, the river changes its form quite dramatically.

The first strip can be defined as what you might call a ‘lazy river.’ Slowly and methodically making its way down its course, running parallel to the nearby street. In this section, the water is pristine. It wades through the tall grass with little breaks, acting as a mirror as it reflects the town lights. I stare at this section, thinking that on the next warm, sunny day, I will grab whatever can float and wade with the gentle tide. It is also the longest section. Further enticing me to hop on in and enjoy the ride.

In a matter of a few moments, the once undisturbed water crashes as it flows under a small bridge. First, the water picks up speed then flushes downhill. It creates a small wave that breaks over a few protruding rocks. Then it simmers down and diverts its path into a little wading pool. Here, the water collects itself, swirls around a few times, and seemingly prepares itself for the next strip of yet another long, lazy river. In this section a few questions arise. Do I jump out? Can my little impromptu floatie make it? Is this the most fun part? Will I get stuck in that little whirlpool? Is it worth getting wet? I imagine a little spike of anxiety would muddle my placid state upon the lazy river.

There is only one clear option. In no way can I answer all of these questions. I cannot just jump out onto the nearby bank. I would be left stranded and my short-lived excursion down the lazy river would certainly not be worthwhile. The only option is to put doubt and questions aside and take on this little hindrance. I very well could sink my floatie and scrape a few limbs on the rocks. I just might make it through and get stuck circling around in the little channel. But maybe, just maybe, my floatie will hold strong, pick up speed, and make it to the other side upon the relaxing tide, steadily flowing until out of sight. Allowing me the pleasant opportunity to crack a cold one (soda pop) and continue on my illustrious voyage with the proven S.S Gordon….until the next obstruction.


Image result for carlow burren river


There are many different outcomes that can come about from this little escapade, so the mind is left to wander. One thing is for sure, the only way to find out is to jump in feet first.



Don’t dive headfirst. Momma always said that that is a very silly thing to do at my height (Forrest Gump voice).

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