So school is now basically over for me. I have turned in all of my assignments for the semester, classes are over, and now all I have to worry about is my summer dissertation. Overall, my experience at WIT has been good. I’m not going to lie, there were many times the stress was high, but that is to be expected when you cram a masters course into one year. It was a long semester, but I am glad that I survived and made it through. Now I just have to wait to get my final grades, but I think I managed to do alright this semester. Even though school is done, I am far from done with this course. This summer I will be completing my 15,000 word dissertation. I is going to be a long process to say the least. I have been writing it throughout the year, but because of the course load this semester, I was unable to spend a lot of time worrying about the dissertation. Now I have until the end of August to complete it. Wish me luck, because I know as soon as I get home at the end of May the procrastination will hit.
My experience here at WIT has been challenging at times, but everyone here is always willing to help. My teachers and classmates all were very welcoming and considerate. They truly want you to do your best here at WIT so they are always willing to help you along in any way they can. I am happy to have been placed here and look forward to getting my final results in June.