Mini Ball

Posted By: AlyssaVelles
Posted On: October 4th, 2018
Attending: Waterford Institute of Technology

Saturday morning coaching! What great fun here in Waterford. Fellow scholar Ellen and I are fortunate enough to have the opportunity to coach three age groups of young girls every Saturday morning. Each hour is a different age group. During this hour we work on skills with the girls in small groups, then allow them to play 3 on 3 games, followed by hot seat (a slightly modified version of the game knock out). The first age group is our youngest age group and definitely the most energetic! They come in every morning with smiles on their faces and excited to play some basketball. All of the girls brighten up our day and help us to start off our weekends with positive energy. 


It took a few weeks for us to get comfortable with the girls and vice versa, and for us to remember their names. Now I feel like we have known them for years! The girls had all kinds of questions for us when they first met us. A few girls have asked me if I know the Kardashians. I played along and told them “Of course! I’ve met them a few times” just to see their reaction before telling them that unfortunately I do not know the Kardashians! One of my favorites was when a little mini baller in the first age group told me that she didn’t like my American accent and I had to fix it! I could not stop laughing that a 6 year old had just told me that. Some other young girls had told me that they watched me on television, referring to the fact that they watch American television shows. I thought this was so funny and told them “Awe no sorry girls I haven’t been on any tv shows.” I really enjoy coaching these girls and love seeing how much they’ve learned from us in the past 6 months. It’s amazing to see how much their skills have improved in this short period of time and how passionate they are about getting better. 

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