In Galway, we got the unique opportunity to help out with an international basketball tournament called the Galway Masters. Teams consisted of players ranging from 30 to 60 years old, and there were teams from Scotland,Wales, Spain, Italy, and the USA just to name a few.
Us scholars had the task of working the score table and working as venue officials for the events. I’m very grateful that I got to see first hand what the tournament is all about. Despite the fact that they were having fun, I could tell that every team really wanted to win. The player’s competitive drive and desire to get better had not faded with age. It was inspiring to see that basketball has no age limit. After working the event, Amy and I also got to attend the Galway Masters Gala Dinner with a few of our Mystics teammates. I got the chance to hear a gospel choir perform for the first time ever and bravely ate some lamb for the first time as well. It was a great capstone to an awesome weekend of basketball. I hope that I’m still playing basketball when I turn 60!