After being away for just a few months I was super excited to see my family during christmas break. The closer the time came the more excited I got. I must have packed and repacked about 4 times. The week before was a jumble of finishing assignments, booking flights, making plans, finding presents and more. Yet as chaotic as that week was, nothing could bring down my mood. I was on cloud 9, even when I was stuck in Dublin, sleeping in the airport over night. I remember laying on the cold hard ground, next to several strangers I might add, thinking of the first meal my grandma will make for me. Or when standing in line at the airport’s Mcdonald’s, thinking of the many possible questions my grandpa was going to ask me once I step foot in the house. Even when squashed between two people on my flight, I couldn’t help but smile when thinking about my little cousin jumping around the christmas tree. All while my uncle yells at her to sit down. When faced with the rude customs agent, I smiled. All because I was thinking about seeing my brother and sister after months of being away. All that being said, nothing made me smile more than walking out of the airport and finally seeing my Mom and Dad. After all the chaos, their presence was like a breath of fresh air. It just goes to show you, no matter how far you go or how low you get. You came always come back to family.
Merry Christmas!