This semester, my coaching schedule has changed up a little bit. I am mainly working in the same schools so far, but I have started working with new kids and different age groups. At one school, I work with two groups of 8-9 year olds. Many of these kids had never played basketball before, and they were incredibly excited to even dribble a ball.
Because I work with some groups for the short time block of about 30 minutes, sometimes I question the true impact I am having on these kids. I wonder, “Is 30 minutes a week really enough to inspire a kid with basketball?” Last week some of the kids gave me reassurance that I am making a difference. On the way over to their sports hall, one girl told me that the whole class screamed and jumped when they found out they had basketball class. She told me that she had been trying to practice her dribbling at home too. Another girl shouted, “You saved us from having to practice our handwriting—no, basketball saved us!” I thought that was just about the funniest thing I had ever heard.
As an aspiring coach, I was very comforted by the fact that these kids expressed enjoyment for my basketball sessions. I try to keep them fun and engaging, especially for the little kids, but it was nice to have some reassurance from them that they are having fun with it! As my time as a Victory Scholar will come to a close in a few short months, I have to start thinking about my next step. At times, I question whether coaching is the right path for me. These kids have helped give me the confidence and fire to stick with my goal of coaching. I am looking forward to continuing my work in these schools! Hopefully, I can inspire some more kids to practice their dribbling at home!