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February 21st, 2019
I have detailed my reaction before on what it felt like to know I was accepted into the Sport Changes Life program. It was—and currently still is—a once in a lifetime opportunity for me. I have grown so much through my experiences over here; got back into competing basketball shape, re-adapted to being in an academic setting from being a year out, and traveled the world (aka Europe).
I think my excitement about the SCL program will never wear off—even when it is over. But I do want to tell you that life-changing opportunities do not happen if you do not go for it. And that is why sometimes it pays to put all your “eggs in one basket.”
I like to remain humble in my personal endeavors, but I would like to publicly announce my future plans… for most of my adult life, I have wanted to be a doctor (PhD) and being me, didn’t think I was good enough to be accepted so I postponed enrolling into graduate school. Being in the SCL program has allowed me to develop my self-confidence to follow-through on an application to a Physiology doctorate program back home in Wisconsin.
This past week I found out I GOT ACCEPTED! For the next 5-6 years, I will be doing another thing that I love that will influence and help others: learning. Realizing that there would eventually be a life after basketball pushed me to focus on my future. So I guess what I am saying is to live in the moment but find a balance to know what you do now will have an impact on your future.
Pictured above is my most recent summer at MCW right before I embarked on the SCL journey (2018).
Pictured below is my first summer with the MCW program right after undergraduate graduation (2017).

Also just wanted to shout-out the people who have always believed in me when I lacked that belief in myself.
This experience is dedicated to you.