Episode 7 – A Journey to Belfast

Posted By: ReeceDupler
Posted On: November 25th, 2019
Attending: Limerick Institute of Technology


Last weekend, the Limerick Sport Eagles were on the road. We had to travel cross country, and literally into a different country, for our Saturday game up in Belfast against Ulster University.

The trip up to Belfast wasn’t too bad. We left Saturday morning around 10am for a 5:15pm tip-off. The drive was about 4 hours, and an extra hour or so was added by stopping to eat lunch. We arrived in Belfast with plenty of time to get ready to play.

The game itself was a fun one. Not only were we squaring off against fellow scholars Kyle and Kadeem, the game turned out to be a wild one. It was back and forth throughout the whole game, and ended up going into overtime. After some big plays down the stretch by the Sport Eagles, we were able to come up with the close overtime win.

After the game we were able to catch up with all the Ulster scholars, and have a chat about how things were going. It was interesting that while we are all enjoying ourselves, we found out that our experiences are a lot different. I’m excited to hear about how everyone else is doing this week when we all return to Belfast to celebrate Thanksgiving!

The next day turned out to be a long one, of using a combination of buses and trains to get back to Limerick. While it’s only a 4 hour drive to Belfast, we found out taking the public transportation takes a little bit longer. We left Ulster to head into Belfast around 1pm. We took the train in, then had a quick stop at Boojum for lunch. We then barely caught the bus from Belfast to Dublin around 2:30pm. This was when we got unlucky as our bus was delayed in Dublin for well over an hour. Finally, around 7pm, we were able to board the bus to head back from Dublin to Limerick. Hopefully I get a bit luckier this week with my travel to and from Belfast!

Thanks for tuning in, tune in next time for another episode!


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