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November 17th, 2019
Tip 1- Buy a RAIN COAT!!! (and actually wear it!) In Ireland, you never when it’s going to rain or rain ALL DAY once you leave the house. So always have a rain coat or umbrella with you as your walking around the city or to class!
Tip 2 -Meal Prep. Because of my busy schedule I only go to grocery store once a week. So I plan my meals accordingly and unfreeze food throughout the week. I always having cooked meals in the refrigerator for lunch and dinner.
Tip 3- Make friends with people with cars. I coach and practice at the St. Pats Campus, so if I don’t catch the bus. I have teammates or players who I’m coaching with a car pick me up!
Tip 4- Bus Pass. Very important when you want to get to the city, grocery store, or to coaching. If someone is unable to pick me up, I can always get on the bus. The weather is getting colder and I don’t want walk in the rain everywhere.
Tip 5 – Time management. With school, basketball, and coaching almost every night of the week its important to have a schedule of what you are supposed to do and where I’m supposed to be. When I create a schedule for what I have to do I can figure out when to spend time studying and working on assignments.
Tip 6- Buy a BIG bag. This bag will be very useful. I use my bag for carrying groceries, carrying my clothes to/from the laundry mat, and for anytime I need to buy something at the mall!
Tip 7 – Explore. Ireland is a beautiful place. So find time to explore in the city and visiting different cities in Ireland!
Tip 8- Enjoy the experience. This opportunity only happens once in my life, so I’m making the most of time in Dublin! Very grateful and blessed to be in Ireland and I’m enjoying everything that comes with being here!